
Wayeh Dreams of Electric Sleep “Drema”

(Mystic-Wayeh Commander Bearing “Alyosha” X Wayeh Apache Star “Mensa”)
WS, Born 4/4/2020, ″/#, Gray & white female
10-generation Co-efficient of Inbreeding (COI) 10% (anything under 7% is an outcross) from the BOOKS Litter.
OFA , Thyroid , CERF
Breeder/Owner/Handler Sidney Helen Sachs/Wayeh

Drema looks and acts like her gramma Seranade. She has the same hard gray coat, the same humongous feet, and sweetheart smile. In a year that brought a world-wide pandemic and economic apocalypse, a book title about dystopia seemed apropo for this lovely. Also…. Harrison Ford.



ParentsGrandparentsGreat Grandparents
Mystic-Wayeh Commander Bearing "Alyosha"AKC ptd Mystic-Wayeh Dark Side of the Moon"Fender"CH Mystic-Wayeh Malas Aforethought"Sirius"
INT CH Black Ice's Heartbreak Hannah "Hannah"
Wayeh Bearing Sea "Grace"UWP AKC Mjr Ptd Wayeh Rtic Seas "Akai"
Artic-Luv's Honey Bear "Honey"
Wayeh Apache Star "Mensa"UWP AWP Wayeh-Mystic Peace Train "Pax"INT CH Ksarah's Hope Inditarod "Brady"
INT CH Black Ice's Heartbreak Hannah "Hannah"
Wayeh Grizzly Bear "Kiowa"INT CH UWP Wayeh Singn N Howln Masasyu "Maestro"
Artic-Luv's Honey Bear "Honey"


Drema is Wayeh’s 12th Generation

  1. Wayeh Needa Mist TT ROM OB-ROM “Wayeh”
  2. Wayeh Nvwati Svnoyi “Midnight” 
  3. CH Wayeh’s Sassafras Lass “Razzy” 
  4. Wayeh’s Shoshone Sunwalker IWPA-WWPDX “Shony”
  5. AKC/INT CH Wayeh’s Arctic Wind’s Shadow CGC TT TDI “Shadow” 
  6. AKC/INT CH Wayeh’s Cherokee Summer CGC WTD “Summer”
  7. AKC/INT CH Wayeh’s Soul Song CGC RN WTD WLD “Singer” from the SNOW SONG Litter 
  8. UWP Wayeh Sings to the Rtic Moon CGC RN RA “Seranade”
  9. UWP AKC Mjr Ptd Wayeh Rtic Seas “Akai”
  10. Wayeh Bearing Sea “Grace”
  11. Mystic-Wayeh Commander Bearing “Alyosha”
  12. Wayeh Dreams of Electric Sleep “Drema”

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