Nov 2010 Tom T. & Sing-Sing are Eleven Years Young…. Happy birthday from Singer’s kids @ Wayeh — Maestro, Sunny, Seranade, & Amak. From her grandkids Kiowa, Bright, Trumpet, ChaCha, Chooch & Wyatt. From her great-grandkid Comet. This my first outcrossed litter with old Wayeh genes…
The SNOW SONG litter 1999
CH Snow Song’s Night Rider CGC TT TDI “Rider”
X CH Wayeh’s Cherokee Summer CGC WTD “Summer”
- Multi BISV Nat’l/Int’l CH Wayeh’s Tom-Tom of Snow Song CGC RN WTD WLD WWPD “Tom T.” * IWPA Regional Bronze medallist his rookie year
- AKC/INT CH Wayeh’s Soul Song CGC RN WTD WLD “Singer”
- Multi BISV Natl/Intl WSCH-B Wayeh’sLastSnoFallofSummerIce CGC TT TDI U-AGII RAE2 U-RO3 W-RCH CD W-CDX U-CDX “Snowman”
- Wayeh’s Sunrise Serenade “Solo” * Baby sitter Par Excellence
- Nat Jr CH Wayeh’s Minnesota Folly CGC “Wihnona”
Snowman in Florida is competing for his Agility Championship this weekend. Wihnona is in Minnesota & Solo in Washington. Happy birthday, puppies!
What do not-so-retired sled dogs do for their birthday? They go pulling of course!
I thought I’d go easy on the old codgers and we’d take the truck tire for a spin, instead of wheels — speed is not their best suit at this age, but they are still strong and steady… and how hard could it be to control two old codgers on a tire?
So, we start down the driveway and I just did this with 3 different teams of youngsters yesterday, how hard could it be to walk down a driveway with 2 old farts hooked to a tire and my horse leash hooked to the same tire… yes, for the first time in years, a team got away from me and barreled down the hill — at GREAT speed. #$@^% filth, foul, rotten, rootin’, tootin’, blasted old sled dogs! But they are 11yos and they stopped to visit a couple of hundred yards down the fenceline. After that, it was easy — it’s all relative…
This was one of our views…

Tom & Sing tried to drown me in this creek under a Sacco cart a few years ago. I was very careful today. They had that gleam in their eyes…

Our boy Tom T. working the harness.
Tom T. & Singer working the harness.
And the princess gets the dogbed.
Dec 2010 4 ladies in the dogyard. Sunny, daughters Bright & ChaCha, and grand-daughter Comet.

AKC/INT CH Wayeh Singn Follow Me Masasyu CGC RN WTD UWP “Sunny”
(CH Tessa’s Sir Charles CGC “Charles”
X AKC/INT CH Wayeh’s Soul Song CGC RN WTD WLD “Singer”)

AKC ptd Wayeh Star Light Star Bright “Bright”
(Artic Luv’s Dancin’ Bearfoot “Yogi” X “Sunny”)

Bright, Sunny, & Comet.
Wayeh Follow My Lead “ChaCha”
(Smoky X Sunny)

November 2010 Knoxville (TVKC/ORKC) Sunny finishes!

AKC/INT CH Wayeh Singn Follow Me Masasyu CGC RN WTD UWP “Sunny”
(CH Tessa’s Sir Charles CGC “Charles”
X AKC/INT CH Wayeh’s Soul Song CGC RN WTD WLD “Singer”)
Cheyenne gets best Malamute puppy & puppy Group3.
Wayeh Cheyenne Call of the Wild “Cheyenne” – co-owned with Mary & Quintin McK.
(AKC mjr ptd Wayeh Rtic Seas “Akai”
X Wayeh Notorious Cheyenne “Tori”)

October 2010 UKC GSMDC/WDA wpull – 8y Storm pulls 16 & 18x, Wyatt gets his first leg…

8yo Stormi rocks!

October 2010 Tri-Star Nashville
Wahoo to Hoodoo, who took home his first two majors and first two Best of Breeds lovingly owned and handled by Darlene Manning.
Sunny has 2 more Reserves, and Akai has another mjr Reserve. Congrats to Brady & Hannah’s son Hoodoo!

October 2010 Murfreesboro – thanks for the following pics
7yo Sunny 2nd & 3rd mjrs, Bred-By, WB, BW
At least part of the reason Sunny beat Akai was his… performance in breed, while she looked on with a smirk… note to self, Do not hand off Akai to stranger men…
Akai wasn’t the only one afflicted with a case of the Sillies… Sirius the clown…
Sirius’ 4th mjr, Open, WD
4 AKC mjrs Mystic-Wayeh MalasAforethought “Sirius”
(CH Black Ice’s High Voltage “Charger”
X Wayeh Sings into the Mystic CGC “Luna”)

Hoodoo’s 1st mjr reserve, AmBred
AKC mjrs/UKC.INT CH Wayeh-Mystic Who Do You Love “Hoodoo”
(RBIS UKC INT CH Ksarah’s Hope Inditarod 2/3 UWP “Brady”
X INT CH Black Ice’s Heartbreak Hannah “Hannah”)
And Boogs with Kim pinch-hitting…. Kim will never come near the show ring again…
Boogie’s 1st show, Puppy class
Mystic-Wayeh Got to Keep on Dancin’ “Boogie”
(Artic Luv’s Dancin’ Bearfoot “Yogi”
X INT CH Black Ice’s Heartbreak Hannah “Hannah”)
September 30 — 9w Pax Jr.
Pax Jr. aka FENDER (Sirius X Hannah’s 80s Music litter)
Mystic-Wayeh Dark Side of the Moon “Fender” staying @ Mystic
Fourth of July — watermelon, sunburn, and hotdogs. And a puppy play date of course! 6y Maestro, 5y Seranade, the 8m girl gang (Chooch, Comet, & ChaCha) and the poor not-so-little boy 6m Boogie.
6m Boogie Bear
3/11-12-13-14/10 – Franklin, TN the Brady & Hannah boys go to their first AKC show, cousin Sirius (Charger is Hannah’s brother X Wayeh’s Luna) and Honey go along for the fun. Sirius comes home with his 2 Majors, AKC Mjr Ptd Mystic-Wayeh Malasaforethought “Sirius”

Wayeh-Mystic Peace Train “Pax” – 2 reserve majors, 3 1sts Bred By. UKC/INT CH Wayeh-Mystic Who Do You Love “Hoodoo” 4 1sts Am Bred. Wayeh-Mystic Leavin’ On a Jet Plane “Denver” 4 firsts Novice. Honey came along for the ride.