Corvus Miles to Go Before I Sleet WPA WPDR “Frost”
(CH Adair’N’Hug MTS Mark of Excellence “Miles” X CH Inuyak Nothing Compares To You CGC TKN VHMA VHMP “Renka”)
born 12/1/22, 80#/24″ @ 1year, OFA/Thyroid/CERF pending
Breeder Vee Blackstone/Corvus Malamutes
WS79156202, 10-gen COI 2.77%.
Frosty McFrostyPants has an outcrossed pedigree PLUS he is an outcross to all of the Wayeh girls.
Frost (like our breedings with Rockin’Maples) is part of our planned outcrosses. The first dog in common in 10 generations is Frostfield Kotzebue Konrad, behind both Miles and our Masasyu’s Muddy Waters “Clay.”
Frost was the demo dog, the one who got me back into training again. We started with basic obedience and harness manners, graduated to weight pull and re-joined the IWPA and added W3PO. What a fantastic group of judges, ever helpful and supportive. So far (11/3/24) Frost has earned his W3PO Weight Pull Aptitude (WPA) and his Working Pull Dog Rails (WPDA). Now he is focusing on manners in the chute, because he has enthusiasm, boy howdy, he just needs some focus.
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- Litter planned for 2025.