Wayeh Tartok OsoCool “Chill” x Wayeh Red-dy When U R “Cedar”
if you are interested in purchasing a Wayeh Alaskan Malamute Puppy.
Male3 “White” is a gray & white, classic open-faced born on 2/25/23 & is our pick of the litter (mainly because he charmed everyone with his upside-down-a-mute in-your-lap antics during temperament testing@ 7w.)
He has learned car manners with weekly trips to TSC, Lowe’s or Sonic. He has learned leash manners with morning trips to the barn, where he has met Trigger the pony, BBR the Big Black Rooster and all his ladies, the pigs, and the goat. He plays with other dogs here and in organized twice-weekly socialization with well-rounded neighbor dogs. And all the neighbor kids come and visit when we do our morning walks.
“White” is a mellow puppy who takes the brunt of pushier puppies and is looking for a home with his own person, a fenced-in-yard and hopefully a gentle female dog of similar size and energy.
White going to the vet….
M3 “White collar” 7w
M3 “White collar” 6w