NOV 2004 Nikko’s first show, first 2 points, first 2 BOS. All the way across the state in Memphis, TN.

Oct 2004 Welcome Nikko!
Nikko joins the Wayeh gang and is already learning how to weightpull and run in harness.
Come on, mom! Let’s take this hill!

Sept 2004 Happy Birthday, sis! Sunny and Maestro turn 1yo and Stro celebrates by going BONSAI on Sunny! He’s still not the most graceful of puppies.

May 2004
‘Stro at his first AKC show ever, Harriman, TN, Reserve and Reserve, way to go, ‘Stro. I gotta learn to run faster!!!!

March 2004 Franklin Dog show where the babies played in the X-pen while Storm played in the show ring.
April 2004 Sunny & Maestro 8mo, Storm 18mo, at mom’s house
February 2004 Sunny, Maestro, & Storm go to Columbus, OH, to visit grandma Lori Hicks halfway to NY. We leave in 65 degrees and blue skies and it drops to 17 by morning — brrrrrrrrrrr. And Storm is nekkid!
January 2004 “Knock it off!” “Who us?”
January 2004 Sunny & Maestro check out the dozer work for the downhill kennels.