Any excuse to get out and meet the public…
Turns these therapy visits into Ambassadors for the Breed…

There’s a fine line between therapy visits and meet-the-breed visits the way we do it. Hospitals and nursing homes are one thing, but we include adult education classes, churches, school visits, Vacation Bible School visits & anywhere else that welcomed the dogs. Meet-the-Public events, Dog Walks, Dog Hikes, Blessings of the Animals. All good opportunities to show off our Ambassadors of the Breed.

Mark, the redheaded Siberian, went to the Montessori School in Knoxville to talk about sledding and racing and get hugs from dozens of kids.
He also headed up our Vacation Bible School visits. He wasn’t the only one. We took EVERYBODY…
Therapy Dog International (TDI), Temperament Test (TT), and Canine Good Citizenship (CGC) are often required by nursing homes and schools. Talk to them and find out the requirements.
Meet-the-Breed & Therapy Visits