Working weight, Show weight, and pet weight.

Singer @ show weight is 85#. Her sisters are 100# & 115#, Singer @ pet weight is 90#, a little padded on the ribs. She and her sisters are all the same height and build. Singer @ skinny working weight is no more than 80#.
Singer @ Wayeh:
Working weight 80#
Show weight 85#
Pet weight 90#
Even some vets tell me that 90# was good, but the vets who work their own dogs understand that an extra pound on a working dog is a disaster waiting to happen.
Working weight is skinny weight. Working weight is the BEST weight for Alaskan Malamutes.

I maintain my dogs at working weight, what most people and most vets would call skinny. There are good reasons to maintain skinny dogs, not just lean, but you can find every rib without looking.
1) Hip displasia is less likely in skinny dogs. This is not opinion, it’s been proven in scientific trails. (LINK).
2) Malamutes have a heritage of being skinny. They don’t have bones, muscles, kidneys, or hearts that can support ultra rich foods or excess weight.
3) Skinny dogs are healthy dogs.
4) Love does not = food.

So when you see the information on one of my dogs and note “skinny working weight” understand that these are dogs who can weightpull a ton, run 10 miles, and do it all over again the next day… can your dog do this at his weight?
NOTE: some breeders play games with “advertising” weight and “real” weights… these dogs are still grossly overweight if not morbidly obese.
“Advertising weight” 140-160lbs (morbidly obese in her previous home)
“Real” weight 110lbs (grossly overweight in her previous home)
“Skinny working weight” 83lbs (@ Wayeh)
You be the judge.