Morning Trip Report. 39 degrees and clear skies. Bayou and I explored the reopened Spring City Nature Park at the north end of Front Street on the west side of the railroad tracks and the new “dog park.” The dog park is not yet open and from the size of it, I’m not sure how useful it’s going to be. The Nature Park is a 1-mile figure-8. We met Blossom the leashed Bloodhound and her nice owners and then Jerkface the off-leash Airedale with the oblivious owners. Bayou was terrific, interested but not pushy. She was attentive to the leash and actively kept it loose — after a few reminders.
Afternoon trip report. Tok’s littersister Kyra’s owner Londa (did you get that straight) came up and we took another walk, 2 miles down Dixie Lee Highway.