Author Archives: Wayeh Kennels

Temperament Tests (T-Tests)

At Wayeh, we expose our puppies to a wide variety of experiences, following the Rule of 7 and the New Knowledge of Dog Behavior. We socialize our puppies with (safe) outings and visits with new people and animals, and introduce them to novel situations that a dog in a whelping box would not experience. This…

New Knowledge of Dog Behavior

The New Knowledge of Dog Behavior by Clarence Pffafenberger outlines how  to grow the puppy’s brain by exposing him to specific stimulus in order to illicit specific neurological responses.  This means the puppy is happy, confident, and curious. Pffafenberger sited 4 critical periods of development. Day 1-19, baby puppies need warmth, food, massage, sleep Day…

The Rule of 7

Pat Hastings, AKC judge and author of The Puppy Puzzle offers these hints for socializing very young puppies, and we follow them here at Wayeh with each litter. By the time a puppy is 7 weeks old it should have: Been on 7 different surfaces, such as: carpet, concrete, wood, vinyl, grass, dirt, gravel, wood…

Ten Things to Teach Your Dog in the ‘Loo

There are so many wonderful things you can teach a dog while you’re heeding nature’s call. Let’s face it: we all have to visit the loo regularly throughout the day, so it’s a built-in opportunity to use the time to teach or refine behaviors. It’s an ideal environment: small, quiet, you’re the most interesting thing…