Born in 1979, Morning Mist Wakon “Misty” was unapologetically Wakon. She was unapologetically 150# on a vet scale. She lived 10 years and was, according to Billie, her best friend. Four decades ago, this little puppy would whelp the first Wayeh litter.
Billie Stewart began with Misty and built Wayeh by inbreeding to 2 grandsons of Uyak Buffalo Bill — Tobe’s Big Bad John & later CH Kiwaliks’ Vykon Indiana Jones TT CD ROM, as well as a third pedigree in CH Vykon’s Major Boogie Bear TT ROM (Inuit, Ro-Ala-Ken & CH Wakon). She then went back and added a Wayeh grand puppy out of BIS BISS CH Vykons Jarva’s True Colors ROM “Sherman” (himself a double Buffalo Bill great-grandson).
But Misty was the start of all things Wayeh.
Morning Mist Wakon “Misty”
(CH Wakon Artic Wolf & Wakon Karaya)
Billie’s first litter in 1981 was almost an outcross (10-gen COI 9% – <7% is considered an outcross) between Misty and Tobe’s Big Bad John, a redheaded brother of CH Tobe’s Tony Baretta ROM who would figure in Wayeh pedigrees later. John was Karohonta, N-bar-J, a double on T’Domar’s Voodoo King, & the grandson of Uyak Buffalo Bill. This was the first WAYEH litter, the kennel named for the brother & sister Billie kept. Wayeh Needa Mist was the dam of 6 CHs, 5 obedience titles, a Group winning/Southern Area dog, 2 ROMs, & 1 TDI. Lazarus Wayeh was the sire of a Nationally ranked, Southern Area bitch
Wayeh Needa Mist TT ROM OB-ROM “Wayeh”
Lazarus Wayeh “Laz”
So after that start, Billie bred Wayeh Needa Mist “Wayeh” back to the show Wakon side of her pedigree in a loose line breeding (10-gen COI 13%) to CH Vykon’s Major Boogie Bear (CH Wakon’s Wakon of Totempole X CH Skagway’s Get Up N Boogie CD OB-ROM) to produce four girls who blazed their own trails.
Wayeh’s Nvwati Svnoyi “Midnight”
Wayeh’s Nuwati Yoneh CDX “Yoneh”
CH Vykon’s Fasination CD ROM “Cagney”
(10 pts & BOB) Vykon’s Stupyfin’ Jones CD TT “Lacey”
Midnight was another loose linebreeding (10-gen COI 11%) back to the Tobe/Karohonta/Uyak part of her pedigree through CH Kiwaliks Vykon Indiana Jones CD ROM “Indi” and that gave a forshadowing of things to come.
CH Wayeh’s WayFinder Atali “Finder”
CH (Wayeh’s) Vykon’s Mistress of Donson “Nikki”
CH Wayeh’s Kentucky Skywalker “Sky”
Billie’s first inbreeding (10-gen COI 21%) was between Midnight and uncle Lazarus, which doubled on the Tobe, Uyak, Karohonta, T’Domar parts of their pedigrees. This produced a Top Southern Area Bitch & Nationally ranked bitch Razzy.
CH Wayeh’s Sassafras Lass “Razzy”
Because of the success of the Indi & Midnight litter, Billie inbred (10-gen COI 18%) Midnight’s aunt Wayeh back to Indi (this pedigree doubled on CH Uyak Buffalo Bill) to produce a 5-Champion litter, group winning & BIS Malamutes.
CH J Allen Yukon Hug-A-Wolf “Yuke”
CH Wayeh’s Cherokee Brave CGC TT TDI “Cherokee”
CH Wayeh’s Chief Pontiac “Chief”
CH (Wayeh’s) Vykon’s Walk on the Wild Side “Walker”
Aust BIS CH (Wayeh’s) Vykon’s Cheechakos of Diomede “Mister C”
Brothers Yuke & Cherokee shaped every Wayeh inbreeding since. Cherokee was first inbred to Razzy (10-gen COI 20%).
AKC mjr ptd Wayeh’s Rolling Thunder CGC “Thunder”
AKC ptd/INT Vet CH Wayeh’s Just Before the Dawn CGC “Justice”
AKC ptd Wayeh’s Wild Cherokee Rose “Rosa”
Then Billie took Razzy to Cherokee’s brother Yuke (10-gen COI 20%).

Wayeh’s Shoshone Sunwalker IWPA-WWPDX “Shony”
Yuke’s son Shoshone was in turn inbred back to a Wayeh Needa Mist granddaughter AKC ptd Vykon Wayeh True Spirit CGC “Trudee” whose sire BIS BISS CH Vykon Jarva’s True Colours ROM “Sherman” was a nephew of Indiana Jones and a grandson of CH Uyak Buffalo Bill ROM. Shoshone to Trudee produced Shadow (10-gen COI 19%).
AKC/INT CH Wayeh’s Arctic Wind’s Shadow CGC TDI TT “Shadow”
AKC ptd Wayeh’s Dreamcatcher CGC “Dreamer”
Wayeh’s Iceman Cometh “Iceman”
Razzy’s Cherokee daughter Justice was inbred back to uncle Yuke to produce Hope (10-gen COI 28%). And then to Yuke’s grandson Shadow to produce Summer (10-gen CO 26%).
U-CD Wayeh’s I Believe in Hope CGC TDI WPD “Hope”
AKC/INT CH Wayeh’s Cherokee Summer CGC WTD “Summer”
Half-sisters Hope and Summer (both out of Justice) would provide the foundation of the Wayeh Story Today.